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SOFORT: Now part of Klarna

Owned by Klarna since 2014, the bank-transfer scheme Sofort has now been integrated into the Pay Now products within Klarna Payments. Using the consolidated product offering, featuring the bank-transfer functions of Sofort, customers benefit from a unified and seamless checkout experience. For PSPs and merchants, the new consolidated product offers benefits including higher conversion rates, faster reconciliation, refunds, improved risk services — and more.

SOFORT: Now part of Klarna
Type Bank transfer
Consumer countries
Check Notes

Want to integrate SOFORT: Now part of Klarna onto your platform?

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Why SOFORT: Now part of Klarna

Consumers trust Sofort, they use their own online banking data and do not have to submit any personal information or card details to the merchant.

Klarna reports that retailers typically see a 68% increase in average order value, and 44% of their customers would have abandoned carts if the payment method was not available.

German card usage remains low at 14% due to security concerns, leading to the popularity of bank transfer payment options, accounting for 34% of all transactions (PPRO Almanac).



Consumer Check Notes


Consumer CHF, EUR, Check Notes
Processing EUR, CHF, Check Notes
Settlement EUR, CHF


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


At online checkout, the consumer selects Sofort as the preferred payment method

Payment method

The consumer redirects to an HPP and chooses their bank

Payment method

Consumer enters their bank account credentials and confirms the payment via TAN


Payment is confirmed and consumer redirects back to the merchant

Want to integrate SOFORT: Now part of Klarna onto your platform?

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