PPRO entities
The PPRO Group comprises PPRO Holding GmbH, together with its subsidiaries. The PPRO Group entities are incorporated in the following jurisdictions and authorised and/or regulated by the following regulatory authorities.
United Kingdom
PPRO Financial Ltd
Registered in England and Wales with company number 07653641 with its registered office at 20 Midtown, Procter Street, London WC1V 6NX, United Kingdom. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (FRN: 900029) as Electronic Money Institution.
PPRO Payment Services S.A.
Registered at the RCS Luxembourg under the number B235952 with registered office at 48 rue de Bragance, L-1255 Luxembourg and registered share capital of EUR 150,000. Authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier under License No Z00000022 as Payment Institution. The company is legally represented by Mordechay Bring, Bernard Miles and Almir Majcic. Authorised and regulated by the CSSF under License No Z00000022 as Payment Institution.
PPRO Holding GmbH
Management Board: Mordechay Bring and Bernard Miles
Registered office: St.-Martin-Straße 74, 81541 München
Court of registration: AG München (Munich), HRB 198257
PPRO Latin America GmbH
Management Board: Mordechay Bring and Bernard Miles
Registered office: Chausseestraße 117, 10115 Berlin
Court of registration: AG Charlottenburg, HRB 142445B
South America
PPRO Argentina S.A.
A limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Argentina, registered in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires under number CUIT 30-71544626-6, based in Teniente Gral. J.D. Perón N° 2630, 8° C, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
PPRO Brasil Ltda.
A limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Brazil, registered in São Paulo under number CNPJ 21.041.840/0001-72, based in Av. Brig. Faria Lima, 1309 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 01452-002
PPRO Chile SpA.
A limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Chile, registered in Santiago under number RUT 76.772.379-2, based in Cerro el Plomo No. 5855 of. 308, Las Condes, Santiago de Chile, Zip Code 7550000.
PPRO Colombia S.A.S.
A limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Colombia, registered in Bogota under number RUT 14343773030, based in Calle 18a #103-11, Bogotá, Colombia
PPRO Mexico Servicios de Pagos S.A. de C.V.
A limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Mexico, registered in Colonia Ciudad Satélite under number RFC AME1404027R0, based in Varsovia 36, Colonia Juárez, México City, México, Zip Code 06600.
A private closed corporation incorporated under the laws of Peru, registered in Lima under number RUT 14343773030, based in Av. Pardo y Aliaga 699 802, Pardo y Aliaga Cdra 6, San Isidro, Lima, Perú, CP 15073.
North America
A Georgia corporation with a principal place of business at Pershing Point Plaza, 1375 Peachtree St NE a15, Atlanta, GA 30309
PPRO Pte. Ltd.
Registered in Singapore with company number 201813840G with its registered office at 27A Club Street, Singapore 069413.