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SEPA Direct Debit

An EU initiative, SEPA (Single European Payments Area), harmonises direct debit payments across all relevant eurozone markets. This guarantees consumers the same level of security, convenience and ease when making payments across 36 countries. All SEPA Banks that offer Euro-denominated direct debits are covered, and because it is a regulated payment method, prices remain constant for merchants, no matter where they are located. Consumers make payments by completing a direct debit mandate provided by the merchant, including their BIC and IBAN ( the unique identifier for the consumer's bank, branch and account).

SEPA Direct Debit
Type Direct debits

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Why SEPA Direct Debit

By accepting SEPA direct debit, merchants can achieve high conversion rates, control cash flow by collecting payments when they want, ensure consumers pay on time, and reduce admin complexity with PPRO’s fully managed service.

More than 529 million citizens live in SEPA markets and make 20 billion direct debit bank transfer payments a year.

Merchants are able to boost subscription revenue using one of the most recognized payment methods in the eurozone, and consumers don’t have to worry about missing a payment deadline and incurring charges or not receiving goods/services.



Consumer EUR
Processing EUR
Settlement EUR


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


At online checkout, the consumer chooses SEPA as the preferred payment method

Payment method

The consumer enters an IBAN/BIC and authorises a direct debit mandate

Payment method

The consumer receives a notication of funds withdrawal


Payment is confirmed

Want to integrate SEPA Direct Debit onto your platform?

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