WeChat Pay in-Store: Merchant QRC

One of China’s leading online wallets, WeChat Pay holds over 38% of mainland Chinese wallet share (iResearch Group) and counts over 900 million active users (Tencent). WeChat Pay supports in-store transactions as well as e-commerce, peer-to-peer and online payments, and cash withdrawals. Mainland Chinese travellers increasingly buy from global brands, and WeChat Pay is a must for brands who want to attract mainland Chinese consumers. The Chinese government is preparing to re-open outbound travel in 2023. Merchants who wish to benet from the return of Chinese tourists should optimize their payment methods now. With Native Pay, the consumer scans the QR code generated by the merchant and authorises payment with a passcode.

WeChat Pay in-Store: Merchant QRC
Type Wallet
Consumer countries

Want to integrate WeChat Pay in-Store: Merchant QRC onto your platform?

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WeChat Pay in-Store: Consumer Barcode

One of China’s leading online wallets, WeChat Pay holds over 38% of mainland Chinese wallet share (iResearch Group) and counts over 900 million active users (Tencent). WeChat Pay supports e-commerce, peer-to-peer and online payments, as well as in-store transactions and cash withdrawals. Merchants who wish to benet from the return of Chinese tourists should optimize their payment methods now. Quick Pay enables consumers to show the payment code in their WeChat Pay app to the merchant, who scans it to complete the payment within 1-2 seconds.

WeChat Pay in-Store: Consumer Barcode
Type Wallet
Consumer countries

Want to integrate WeChat Pay in-Store: Consumer Barcode onto your platform?

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WeChat Pay H5

One of China’s leading online wallets, WeChat Pay holds over 38% of mainland Chinese wallet share (iResearch Group) and counts over 900 million active users (Tencent). WeChat Pay supports e-commerce, peer-to-peer and online payments, as well as in-store transactions and cash withdrawals. Global brands are gaining huge popularity in China, and WeChat Pay is a must for brands who want to attract online mainland Chinese consumers. With Native Pay, the consumer scans the QR code with their WeChat app and authorises payment.

WeChat Pay H5
Type Wallet
Consumer countries

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WeChat Pay Online

One of China’s leading online wallets, WeChat Pay holds over 38% of mainland Chinese wallet share (iResearch Group) and counts over 900 million active users (Tencent). WeChat Pay supports e-commerce, peer-to-peer and online payments, as well as in-store transactions and cash withdrawals. Global brands are gaining huge popularity in China, and WeChat Pay is a must for brands who want to attract online mainland Chinese consumers. With Native Pay, the consumer scans the QR code with their WeChat app and authorises payment.

WeChat Pay Online
Type Wallet
Consumer countries

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Why WeChat Pay in-Store: Merchant QRC

In 2019, the contribution of Chinese travellers in global tourism ranked rst in the world, with Chinese tourists spending over USD 250 billion while traveling abroad (Statista).

WeChat Pay announced in 2019 that Europe was its next key market, and it had experienced a 3.5 times increase in merchants offering it as a payment method in the previous 12 months.

91% of Chinese tourists would show greater willingness to spend and shop if overseas merchants accept Chinese mobile payment brands (Nielsen).




Consumer CNY
Processing EUR, USD, GBP, CHF
Settlement CHF, EUR, GBP, USD


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


The cashier creates the order in a smart POS and presents the QR code to the consumer

Payment method

The consumer scans the QR code with the WeChat app

Payment method

The consumer authenticates payment in the WeChat app

Payment method

WeChat sends the payment result to the merchant and consumer

Want to integrate WeChat Pay in-Store: Merchant QRC onto your platform?

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Why WeChat Pay in-Store: Consumer Barcode

WeChat Pay announced in 2019 that Europe was its next key market, and it had experienced a 3.5 times increase in merchants offering it as a payment method. The re-opening of outbound travel will accelerate this.

Before 2020, Chinese tourists spent a quarter of a trillion dollars with retailers in countries they visited. They’re expected to do the same, now they’re allowed to travel again (CNN).

91% of Chinese tourists will show greater willingness to spend and shop when overseas merchants accept Chinese mobile payment brands (Nielsen).




Consumer CNY
Processing EUR, USD, GBP, CHF
Settlement CHF, EUR, GBP, USD


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works

Payment method

The consumer opens the WeChat app on their mobile device and presents their barcode to the cashier


The cashier creates the order in their system and scans the WeChat Pay consumer barcode to initialise the transaction

Payment method

The consumer may need to authorise the transaction with their password before payment is complete

Payment method

WeChat sends the payment result to the merchant and consumer

Want to integrate WeChat Pay in-Store: Consumer Barcode onto your platform?

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Why WeChat Pay H5

39% of China’s population are cross-border shoppers with cross-border e-commerce valued at US 301 billion (PPRO Almanac).

WeChat has over 1.3 billion active users (Statista) and as H5 pages continue to gain in popularity, the payment method is an essential tool to extend consumer reach.

Leverage one of the most powerful brands in China and provide the lucrative mainland Chinese consumer with a seamless and familiar payment experience.




Consumer CNY
Processing CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, USD
Settlement CHF, EUR, GBP, USD


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


At checkout (mobile browser), the consumer selects WeChat Pay as their preferred payment method

Payment method

The consumer's WeChat app is opened via deep link, and the payment is displayed for review

Payment method

The consumer clicks 'Pay Now' and enters their payment password to authorise the transaction


Payment is confirmed

Want to integrate WeChat Pay H5 onto your platform?

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Why WeChat Pay Online

39% of China’s population are cross-border shoppers with cross-border e-commerce valued at US 301 billion (PPRO Almanac).

Tencent reported over 50 million monthly active merchants on WeChat Pay and recent estimates suggest more than 1 billion transactions are made per day (Walk the Chat).

Leverage one of the most powerful brands in China and provide the lucrative mainland Chinese consumer with a seamless and familiar payment experience.




Consumer CNY
Processing CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, USD
Settlement CHF, EUR, GBP, USD


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

How it works


At checkout, the consumer selects WeChat Pay as their preferred payment method

Payment method

The consumer redirects to a PPRO HPP and scans the QR code

Payment method

The transaction summary is displayed in the WeChat app; the consumer authorises payment


Payment is confirmed

Want to integrate WeChat Pay Online onto your platform?

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