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Operating in most countries worldwide, BitPay enables merchants to take payment in the form of cryptocurrency. The payment processor converts Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and other leading digital currencies into over 150 conventional, central-bank currencies. It does this without exposing merchants to any price fluctuation volatility or chargebacks and has no identity fraud risk to the customer. Consumers pay with the cryptocurrency wallet of their choice on desktop or mobile phone by simply scanning a QR code at the merchant’s checkout.

Type Cryptocurrency
Consumer countries

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Why Bitpay

BitPay has been providing secure cryptocurrency processing since 2011, recording peak processing volumes in excess of USD $1 billion annually (ICLG).

Worldwide, an estimated 425 million people hold cryptocurrency (, with some currencies growing by over 200% a year.

Ninety-three percent of retailers that support crypto say doing so has had a positive impact on their business (Deloitte/WSJ).



Consumer Global
Merchant Global


Processing EUR, GBP, USD
Settlement EUR, GBP, USD


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

Payment flow

Screen 1

At checkout, consumer selects BitPay as their preferred payment method

Screen 2

Consumer redirects to a BitPay-hosted payment page. They log in to BitPay using their email and account password

Screen 3

After logging in, consumer selects their cryptocurrency wallet/app from the list provided

Screen 4

Next, they select their preferred cryptocurrency to pay with

Screen 5

A payment invoice is generated with the payment amount and payee information. Consumer copies the payment link to their clipboard

Screen 6

Consumer opens their cryptocurrency wallet/app to continue with the payment (This example uses the BitPay app)

Screen 7

Consumer selects which specific wallet to use for the payment

Screen 8

Consumer pastes the payment link from the BitPay invoice when choosing the recipient for the funds

Screen 9

A complete summary of the transaction is shown. Consumer reviews the details and confirms the payment

Screen 10

Transaction is confirmed in consumer's wallet/app

Screen 11

Once the transaction success has been confirmed by BitPay, the invoice will update with the status

Screen 12

Merchant is notified of the successful order, and consumer redirects back to merchant

Want to integrate Bitpay onto your platform?

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