BLIK OneClick

Introduced in 2015, BLIK is a must-have payment method for e-commerce sites in PL. It is a mobile payment service with a unique model of cooperation between banks, payment acquirers, and merchants. BLIK is available to smartphone users with a mobile banking app from participating banks. Consumers provide their BLIK code to authenticate in the BLIK system and conrm payment within their banking app. Supported banks include: Alior Bank, Bank BPS, Bank Millennium, Bank Pekao, Bank Pocztowy, BNP Paribas, BS Brodnica, Crédit Agricole, Getin Bank, Getin Noble Bank, ING Bank, mBank, Nest Bank, PKO Bank Polski, Santander, SGB Bank.

BLIK OneClick
Type Bank transfer
Consumer countries

Want to integrate BLIK OneClick onto your platform?

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Introduced in 2015, BLIK is a must-have payment method for e-commerce sites in PL. It is a mobile payment service with a unique model of cooperation between banks, payment acquirers, and merchants. BLIK is available to smartphone users with a mobile banking app from participating banks. Consumers provide their BLIK code to authenticate in the BLIK system and confirm payment within their banking app. Supported banks include: Alior Bank, Bank BPS, Bank Millennium, Bank Pekao, Bank Pocztowy, BNP Paribas, BS Brodnica, Crédit Agricole, Getin Bank, Getin Noble Bank, ING Bank, mBank, Nest Bank, PKO Bank Polski, Santander, SGB Bank.

Type Bank transfer
Consumer countries

Want to integrate BLIK onto your platform?

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Why BLIK OneClick

BLIK reports that it is the most frequently used mobile payment method in PL, reporting over 12 million active users – more than one-fifth of the population.

BLIK drove 763 million transactions worth USD 25 billion in 2021 – over 75% via e-commerce and a 60% market share of all Polish e-commerce.

In just the third quarter of 2022, Polish online shoppers spent more than US$5 billion using their BLIK payment apps.



Merchant Global


Consumer PLN
Processing PLN
Settlement PLN


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

Payment flow

Screen 1

The consumer chooses BLIK as their preferred payment method.

Screen 2

The consumer previously saved the merchant, therefore they can proceed without the BLIK code

Screen 3

The consumer reviews the payment details and authorizes the payment in their mobile banking app

Screen 4

The payment confirmation is displayed in the app

Screen 5

The payment is confirmed on the merchant's website

Want to integrate BLIK OneClick onto your platform?

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BLIK reports that it is the most frequently used mobile payment method in PL, reporting over 12 million active users – more than one-fifth of the population.

BLIK drove 763 million transactions worth USD 25 billion in 2021 – over 75% via e-commerce and a 60% market share of all Polish e-commerce.

In just the third quarter of 2022, Polish online shoppers spent more than US$5 billion using their BLIK payment apps.



Merchant Global


Consumer PLN
Processing PLN
Settlement PLN


Recurring payments
One-click payments
Partial refunds
Multiple partial refunds
Payment assurance
Chargeback risk

Payment flow

Screen 1

The consumer chooses BLIK as their preferred payment method

Screen 2

The consumer provides their 6-digit BLIK code from the banking app

Screen 3

Screen 4

The consumer reviews the payment details and authorizes the payment in their mobile banking app

Screen 5

The payment confirmation is displayed in the app

Screen 6

The payment is confirmed on the merchant's website

Want to integrate BLIK onto your platform?

Get in touch